Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Motorola Announces Crowphone

As a follow-up to successful line of Razr Phones, Motorola today announced its successor, the PC2D, or the “Crowphone” after its inspiration, singer Sheryl Crow. The phones will be given free to every person who purchases a ticket to Live Earth, scheduled for July 7.

Head of design Peter Peachtree said a news conference that the waterproof cell phone is “a personal cellular and cleaning device for use anywhere that the on-the-go person finds themselves: at home, in the office, or even out on the trail.”

“Everybody takes their cell phone to the bathroom, whether it’s to talk or play games or whatever,” said Peachtree. “But Sheryl’s right: we can’t be literally flushing trees just because we’re feeling prissy. That’s what makes the Crowphone unique: use it to clean yourself, wash it in the sink, and you’re ready to go.”

Verizon is also in partnership on the Crowphone, with their new slogan “You’ll never wipe alone.” Verizon Network Development Head Lynne Thompson said that it addressed many needs at once.

“Between the ultimate utility of the Crowphone, and the blanket coverage of Verizon’s network, you can be sure that people will hear whatever you want them to hear, no matter what you’re doing” Thompson wrote in a press release.

The Crowphone is unlike traditional plastic cell phones in that on the back side it has a variety of replaceable covers, from coarse all-natural fibers to smoother suede or synthetic lambskin. “While we want to be environmentally responsible, we also want to acknowledge that not everybody is up to the challenge of using burlap to clean themselves. So we have some planet-friendly, non-animal alternatives.”

The PC2D will come with full camera and video technology, although Peachtree said the company does expect to have to modify lenses and other “typical non-contact equipment” as need may be.

Peachtree anticipated that the Crowphone would change the way people go to the bathroom. “I just have this image in my head of five or six women standing around the sinks in the bathroom comparing which color backing and which material they have. People will probably even trade from time to time, just to sort of try out somebody else’s lifestyle. It’ll be fun!”