Monday, April 9, 2007

Imus Announces Sweeping Changes

In order to show penance for his recent on-air gaffe, Don Imus today announced that he will make sweeping changes to his show's format. Rechristened the 'Don Imus Radio All-Stars' it will be a mix of news and debate on hot societal topics.

"I'm real pleased to have A-list talent on air with me now." Imus said. "Not like those second-rate chuckleheads that got me into this mess."

The new members of the Imus team were announced as:

David Duke on 'Inside Politics'
Amanda Marcotte with 'Around the Blogosphere'
Michael Irvin on 'Sports Woodpile'
Eason Jordan with 'News Around the World'
David Irving with 'Today In History'
Music will be provided by award-winning rapper Eminem

He will also be joined by a new cohost, Michael Richards. "Michael and I see eye-to-eye on the important topics," Imus said. "And he's a professional comedian, so no more of this amateur hour stuff getting me into trouble."

The shows will also be focused, Imus says, in order to prevent any more of the rambling commentary that has plagued him for the past few years. The first show is 'Greatest Baseball Player of All Time' and be a celebration of the life and career of Ty Cobb.

Fact-checking for the program will be provided by Jayson Blair.

Steve suggests additional team members for Imus:
Jack Kevorkian with 'What's new in the world of medicine?'
Al Gore with "Real Science, no, really!'