Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Clinton Fumes, Obama Grovels

Short version of what Obama meant to say: Hillary Clinton is beholden to Indian-Americans and doesn’t back up the union worker, a core constituent of the Democratic party.

Short version of what Obama says now: I’m sorry, so very sorry, for a stupid, caustic remark. I didn’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings. I know it’s a complicated issue. My campaign got out of control. Can I still be president?

And Democrats wonder why they’re perceived as wimps. Stick to your guns, man! Obama’s original hit piece was full of damning references, but Clinton gets him off subject just by getting huffy about a comment that she made about herself first?

Obama’s best response would have been “I’m sorry, Mrs. Clinton, I don’t speak Hindi. Could you please respond to the specific charges that you value Indian economic development more than our own?”

So, based on this ridiculous performance, we can only imagine the joys of having President Obama lead us, giving us stirring oratories like this:

On the Berlin Wall in the 1980s: “Mister Gorbachev, please enter into a mutli-party dialogue to discuss the possibility of studying a way that the two sides can gradually begin to reduce the necessity for this well-guarded border between a people who have the same language, culture, and hope for the future. Please. On second thought, I apologize for having brought it up. Forgive me.”

On personal responsibility in the 1960s: “Ask not what your country can do for you, because the government’s resources are limitless and its responsibilities to you are infinite. The government stands ready to provide cradle-to-grave health insurance, education, and job opportunities. So don’t ask, because we’ll be mailing the new book of Government Services quite soon.”

On the specter of war stalking the 1940s: “The only thing we have to fear, and I don’t want to discriminate against those who have mental problems or different phobias, nor do I wish to diminish the very real, visceral fear that sometimes courses through the veins of honest, hard-working men and women in every day situations, but the only thing we have to fear is a long list of items which may or may not be present in the every-day lives of average Americans. But together, I’m sure we can find a way to accommodate the changes and have an audacious hope for the future. So in short, I apologize for having brought this up. You can go now.”